Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Monday, 18 February 2008

unit 4 - revenue and profit

flash presentations:

profit maximisation - price taker

profit maximisation - price maker

unit 6 - globalisation and international trade


international trade

comparative advantage


regional trading blocs - an introduction (BBC)

unit 3 - economic growth

the follow presentation relate to the topic of economic growth:

macroeconomics introduction

economic growth

the economic cycle

measuring national income

costs and benefits of growth

The presentations lead into some deeper analysis using the ADAS framework that will be introduced next week. Have a look and think about the model and how it differs from supply and demand at a micro level.

lse - centre for economic performance

check out magasine style articles dealing with the latest research on economic performance:


unit 4 - costs



economic efficiency

market structure introduction
(structure conduct performance paradigm)

alternatives to profit maximisation

unit 6 - globalisation

online notes with built in links:

1. Globalisation Introduction

2. Globalisation Effects

3. Globalisation and Africa

unit 3 - unemployment

a new presentation summarizes latest data and issues:


and podcast:


Saturday, 9 February 2008

economics and social research council

economic and social research council

get to know this organisation well. they provide most of the funding for post graduate research in social science in the UK

remember to pick up a copy of their "Britain in 2008 - The State of the Nation" for the latest trends to impress the examiner. £3.95 in WHS and other good bookshops as they say...

general discussion on economics issues

check out this comprehensive website covering new thinking in economics:


Sunday, 3 February 2008

unit 4 - office of fair trading

this link is a pdf looking at the role of the OFT in protecting the consumer's interest:


home page of the Office of Fair Trading:
