Friday, 25 January 2008

Young Economist of the Year 2008

Young Economist of the Year 2008

The Royal Economic Society and tutor2u announce a competition to find the Young Economist of the Year 2008.

The RES is particularly keen to encourage students to enter the competition who are in the first year of their studies. In 2007 over 750 entries were submitted, with Zoe Hart from Colchester RGS taking the first prize.

The winner of Young Economist of the Year 2008 will win £1,000, with two runners-up each receiving £500.

The title to be used for essay entries is as follows:

"Which economic idea or policy has the most power to improve our lives?"

The following introductory guidance is provided for students and teachers:

Essay length: 1,000 - 2,000 words

Deadline: Complete entries should be submitted via email by 10.00 p.m. Monday 12 May 2008 or by post bearing a postmark of 12 May 2008 or earlier. The winner will be announced in early August 2008.
Entries must be word processed – the preferred format is Microsoft Word.

All sources must be properly acknowledged

All entries will be judged by a team of practicing Economics teachers appointed by the RES. A shortlist of final entries will be submitted to a two-person Judging Panel of senior Economists who will determine the prize-winners.

All short-listed entrants (and their teachers) will be invited to the prize ceremony at the Royal Economic Society Annual Lecture in November 2008

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